Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Spam

In that art of still catching up, the Cam Spam turned 4 in August.

We didn't have a wild crazy party.  More like just a get together with some cupcakes and ice cream and presents and family.  That's really all you need for a birthday celebration.

He had cake and ice cream in Texas the day before we left to come home to Kentucky and then again on his birthday in Kentucky.

We love our little Cam Spam.  He is a hot mess sometimes and then the sweetest angel at other times.

He tells me that I'm beautiful and will randomly give me kisses.  He is pretty much super sweet with Livvy and hardly ever grumpy or mean to her.  He loves her so much.  He loves his big brother.  Most of the time.  He loves spending time with his Daddy and going grocery shopping with him.  Since they do that every Saturday.

He's just a funny little fireball.  He's grumpy. He's intense.  He has to have his socks on just right.  He freak out about random things.  He's got a great sense of humor.  He loves life.

I love him. 

1 comment:

Celeste said...

Those cupcakes look super yummy. Cam sounds a lot like Spencer. Very emotional and loving and intense. =)