Tuesday, March 27, 2018

More Livvy and her fake freckles

Oh this funny girl wanted some make up AND freckles the other day.  She's such a character.  So much personality.  She's extreme in all her emotions.  Whether she's being goofy, or sad, or wild, or funny.  Extreme.  Also she is still the slowest dresser ever and it drives me INSANE. 

More of Leesie

Sometimes I get bored and then I just take random pictures of whichever kids are around at the time. And this time it was Leesie and Livvy.  And also Leesie didn't have a shirt on for some reason.  Who knows why.

Today at the library this girl threw a massive fit because I wouldn't pick her up and carry her to the check out.  Because I had an arm full of books. But that was unacceptable to her and she turned into a demon child, in a fit of rage.  Biggest public fit to date.  It included screaming and throwing herself on the floor, and kicking her hands and pounding her fists and writhing around like a possessed snake.  It was pleasant, let me tell ya.