Sunday, November 22, 2015

My own little fall pictures

Sometime last week I think I decided I needed to make sure to get my own little fall pictures of the kids.  I've been taking some really cute and beautiful fall pics of other families.  So I wanted some.  Riiiiiight.  I had neither the time nor the patience to wrestle the kids into some cute outfits and deal with all their crying shenanigans.  

So one afternoon I just threw them in the van, dressed as they were, and we headed for the park to get some shots in the evening light before the sun slipped away.  The results were not picture-esque, but they are a pretty accurate description of life. 

I was yelling at them to smile.  And acting super relaxed and not stressed at all.  Ha.  As if you can believe.  I was actually yelling at them to smile through clenched teeth and furrowed eyebrows.  All the while trying to push Annalise in the stroller and fiddle with the camera and take beautiful pictures.  It was just not happening.  So we just went with it.  Whatever, was my thought.

Ha.  Look at the girls crying in the pic above.  The truth comes out haha.

Cam was being so sweet as Liv tried to dry up her tears so she could get a Twix candy back in the van.  I'm such an excellent mother sometimes.  

Annalise let Jace hold her for a little while.  Then she gave me the above look.  Like, "Okay, Mom.  This is getting ridiculous."

Then she gave me the mores serious plea of "HELP ME"

And then she just gave up.

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