Thursday, January 30, 2014

In case anyone was dying of curiosity here is what was we settled on for Jace's hundred day of school shirt.  Not too shabby.  And really easy.  The button are hot glued on so I'm pretty sure the shirt isn't washable but that's okay.  We'll just hang it up somewhere and treasure it always.

He painted a slingshot on the back too.  Because he came home from school the day I did it and said, "Hey I was supposed to help."  And I said, "You did help.  You picked out the buttons."  

But that wasn't good enough for him.  I felt kinda bad, but not bad enough to allow him and the hot glue gun to be anywhere near each other while the gun was on.  Accident waiting to happen.

So then he painted the slingshot and felt satisfied. 

And here's the desperate conversation I had with him when he came home after school.

"So how was your day?"


"Did you have tons of fun?"


"Did everyone have cool shirts?"


"Well what kind?"

"Just cool ones."

"Did they like your shirt."


"Well did anyone say anything about it?" (I know, geez what a crazy mom fishing for compliments about a kindergarten shirt)

"I don't know."

"Did your teachers like it?"


"Well what did they say?"


What?  So I liked the shirt.  I wanted to know if every one else liked it.  I'm only human.  Unfortunately Jace gives me nothing to go on, so for all I know he could have worn his coat the whole day.  I was just mostly proud of myself for using something other than beads.

I have like thousands of beads from a project I did when I was teaching.  And so whenever Jace has an assignment to decorate something creative (snowman, christmas tree, cut out of himself, poster) I always just pull out the beads and we Elmer's glue some on in no particular order.  But I pulled out the big guns with buttons this time.  So there. 

Also today he came home from school and said, "Why do we never do anything fun after school?"

And I said, "Because I have to cook dinner and clean up the house and get everything ready for tomorrow.  Maybe if you clean up the house for me then we can do something fun while dinner is cooking."

And surprisingly enough he DID clean up the house.  So we made brownies.  Fun.

And Cam Spam only joined us for the spoon licking part because I caved.  While Jace was cleaning up Cam was definitely not helping and perhaps even making more of a mess.  So we told him that if he didn't help he couldn't make brownies with us.  

Of course when the time came to make the brownies he had a melt down and threw a huge fit because I stuck to my threat.  He was in his room sobbing until we were done.  So I let him come out and lick a spoon.  Because I felt sorry for him.  And because he was yelling things like, "You're not letting me help and THAT'S RUDE!"

Which is pretty funny.


The Sandall's said...

AWESOME shirt! I fish for information all the time too and like you never get anything. We need a little camera pin to put on them so we can watch them throughout the day. Wouldn't that be AWESOME!!

Brownie making is fun! Yay for fun you!! And now you know how to get the house clean!! Brilliant!!

Celeste said...

I love that shirt! Very cute. And I have the same kind of conversations with Xander. ALL the time. Did they like my cupcakes? Did they say anything about... We are so vain. But it's nice to be the cool Mom. And I know for a fact you were. I saw the other 100 day stuff around and they were not that cute.