Thursday, January 9, 2014

I interrupt my Christmas posts to bring you the sad story of Cam Spam being in the hospital for the last two days.

On Sunday he started having lots of congestion.  By Monday it was a full blown "asthma attack".  I put quotes around it because I find it ridiculous and annoying that although all the docs speak of it as asthma, they did not ever call it an asthma attack.

He was having to work pretty hard to breathe Monday and started throwing up his congestion.  We were doing breathing treatments about every three hours.  And then the cycle of throwing up didn't stop and he couldn't keep any fluids down.  Which is the main reason we decided to take him to the ER Monday night.  I was afraid he would be dehydrated on top of working hard to breathe.

Three hours, a dose of Zofran, some kind of steroid, a lung x ray, and two different breathing treatments later he was admitted for the night.  Oh, and a test for the flu and RSV.  Which both came back negative.

The lung x ray shows possible pneumonia, they said.  Nope, not pneumonia, they said later. 

They hooked Cam up to an IV, which I thought he was a champ at.  They made him have a little monitor on his finger to keep track of his oxygen levels.

They pumped him full of who knows what and interrupted us every hour for something.  It was a sleepless night.  

They kept him on oxygen and his IV all day Tuesday.  I was thankful for their precaution but I knew now that he had regained control he would be fine with just breathing treatments and an oral steroid.  And we could do that at home.  And we both really really wanted to go home.

Even though it was just an asthma attack brought on by a little virus, they made everyone who came into our room wear a shield suit thing and a mask.  

We had to spend another night there.  Poor little Cam was exhausted and miserable hooked up to the IV and that second night he did not sleep well again at all.  Then in the middle of the night he turned over suddenly and jerked his IV, which didn't bother the IV, but it did rip a little bit of the tape that was stuck to his skin and he freaked out.  The nurse took all the protective wrappings off to check the IV and had to do it all again.  TWICE.  Because the first time she was lame and taped a whole bunch of tape directly to his skin. Which of course hurt every time he moved.  I immediately made her come back and fix it.

By the time the sun came up again and the doc came in for rounds I was so tired and so ready to go that it took every ounce of strength I had to be pleasant for the doc.  And say politely, "What is the plan?  Can we handle things at home from here?"  She acted like she wasn't sure, but I emphatically let her know I expected to go home that day.

And the steroids they'd been pumping through Cam finally caught up to him and he was a rage monster.  Right after the doctor left he started thrashing around on the bed and pulled at his IV, which made him even more hysterical.  I called a nurse in and, after she said the IV was basically still in for precaution and just to administer the steroid,
 I suggested they remove it.  Politely.  And then she politely said back the doctor didn't want to do that.

At which point I thought, Screw being polite.  So I said (or maybe yelled, who knows) "Well I'm the mom.  And I do want it out."  Then tried to add calmly, "He takes medicine very well orally.  So I think this IV is unnecessary." 

After that they took out the IV and the oxygen monitor and basically left us alone all day.  With the occasional interruption for a breathing treatment and an oxygen level check.

Cam had several episodes of rage.  One which Auntie Lisa got to witness, so she can vouch for me that he was being CA-RAZY.  The doctor finally came back that night around 7:30.  

I tried not to be annoyed about the fact that the whole second day there was pointless because they didn't do anything we couldn't have done at home.  Instead of thinking that they should have just let us go that morning, I tried to be glad that at least they were being very careful.  

Cam and I were super glad to leave.  He was chipper and cute and sweet to all the nurses as he said goodbye and they walked us out.  Too bad the nurse he sucker kicked in the gut when she was trying to give him a breathing treatment wasn't there for that part. 

So now we're home and Cam is doing a lot better.  But he is still being a rage monster.  And has to be on steroids for a while longer.  And that scares me.

I'm hiding out in here right now.  He is yelling at his Star Wars video game.  Poor Luke Skywalker.


Celeste said...

Oh no! This makes me so sad. For you and for Cam! How miserable for both of you. How totally terrible. I hate hospitals for that reason. I'm glad you pushed them to get rid of the IV. Seriously people. He's a little boy and its painful and so annoying.

The Sandall's said...

So glad you're back home. What sad pictures of my sick Camers. Hope u can survive him until the steroids are out of his system...... And sometimes moms don't have to be polite! U go girl!