Thursday, May 16, 2013


I took some picture of the three kids together. In the over two hundred pictures I took I got ONE of them all three looking at the camera.  And lots of them not looking at the camera. 

I love Olivia's finger in this one.  I feel like she should be saying, "Um num num num."

Also I wanted them to try and kiss her on the cheek but they couldn't quite figure out how to do that.  Or maybe the wagon being too small just made it difficult.  But we had to take pictures in the wagon because the ground was soaking wet.

She is trying to see if she can get her whole fist in her mouth I think.  She comes pretty close.

And in this one I had said, "Jace lift her chin a little."  And then Cameron made a beeline for the top of her head so I had to rush to the rescue.  

So I thought the first one, with them all three looking at the camera, was cute enough to call it successful. 

Cameron had to have some cavities filled.  He had three cavities.  It makes me feel like a bad mom even saying that.  But in my defense, Jace has us as parents too and he had no cavities.  Poor little Cam.  I think we are going to struggle with his teeth.  Anyway the dentist said the only way he fills cavities on such little guys is if they're sedated.  So Cam took a swig of something and then we had to wait an hour for it to fully kick in.  So while we were waiting he got to watch Rio and play with the Kindle. 

I kept thinking, hmmmmm it doesn't seem like this stuff is working at all.  But then he started rubbing his nose a lot.  And then we took this picture.

And then about two minutes later poor Cam puked.  Although it was basically nothing since he wasn't allowed to eat anything that morning.  And then he was out.

They let me go back in the room with him while they gave him a little oxygen and got him ready.  He wasn't all the way asleep but he was being very cooperative.  So when the hygienist said, "Okay, now just close your eyes and relax," he gladly obeyed.  When they made me go back to the waiting room I could hear him snoring.  

Then afterwards he was really groggy and puked a little again when I was checking out.  Poor baby.  But he was really sweet and cute and saying the cutest stuff.  All the nurses thought he was "darling".  Which is he.  Except for not today.  Because he is sick again with the same old cold/cough/fever gunk.  I swear the receptionist at the dentist jinxed us because she asked me like five times that Monday when I checked in if he had been sick at all.  To which I replied, "Nope, healthy healthy."  And then two days later he's miserable.  And I'm miserable.  

Also it finally feels like real summer.  Today we made a "water table".

Cameron's face as he shot Andy is one of pure joy.  

Oh Andy.  Don't think I'm a horrible person for saying this out loud, but sometimes I wonder how long Andy is going to live.  And sometimes I think maybe it would be okay if death came for him.  A nice peaceful dying in his sleep old dog kind of death.  I know that's bad.

But I just think about how nice it would be to just go out and play in the yard without having to scoop up dog poop.  And how much prettier our lawn could potentially be.  But we do love Andy.  And we'll all be sad when he dies.  Even me.  

He is getting old though.  I feel like since we made him be a completely outside dog he has aged like ten years.  The other day some neighborhood kids were throwing his ball for him (he brings it to the fence and nudges it under a hole he dug for that reason).  He chased it for like an hour and then for the next few days he limped around like an old man who thinks he can keep up with the young guys on the basketball court (and yes, I am thinking of you, Dad). 

Check out Jace's devious look.  I had just said for him not to spray his brother in the face. 

He is obviously great at obeying.

Cameron was not in the best mood anyway since he wasn't feeling good.

So we had some tears mixed in with the water.

But then once he got the hang of it, he quickly retaliated and fired at his big brother.

And for some reason I just love this picture of Jace.  

He went into the house to get some random toys and of course he tries to carry as many as he can in one trip.

And is wearing the old power ranger shirt that he seems to always be wearing.

And obviously went to the bathroom while he was inside and had his short all crooked.

And didn't care about it at all.

He also didn't care about stripping all of his clothes off when I said, "Just take your shirt off so you won't be cold."

But I did make him put the shorts back on.

I do get a kick out of these two boys.  Even though they make me crazy.  


kim anderson said...

Those boyz just make me smile...I can't help myself!! So sweet that they are best buddies....

The Sandall's said...

Love the pictures in the wagon with the red brick wall in the background! Cute Cute Cute!! Poor Camers, I haven't even taken Keanzie to the dentist yet, I'm too scared. And in his defense I think some people are just born with bad teeth and others are lucky and have good teeth. Fun water table, looks like thats something that will keep them busy in the heat!!

Celeste said...

I love the last picture! It looks like Cam got stretched over the past little while...he got skinnier and a lot taller! It's going to be a good summer since he can shoot back at Jace. =)