Tuesday, July 30, 2013

This lady's blog is hilarious.  And this post was especially to fitting to my life.  

Because I will tell you something that you may judge me for but I'm gonna say it anyway.

But to preface, I will just say that Cameron has to pee a lot.  Sooooooo much.  Especially because he's a big drinker (not the heavy stuff, just mostly juice).  And when we're swimming it's like he also inhales gallons of pool water and has to pee pretty much constantly.

When we're swimming at Granny's or somewhere not public, it's usually fine.  He will just take himself to the grass, pull down his swim trunks (although who am I kidding--usually he's just wearing underwear) and pee.  But when we're at a public swimming pool it's a little different.

So we went to one big, really fun pool while we were in Texas and it was just me and the two boys.  And Cameron started inhaling pool water and I guess had a lot of juice, and as a result had to pee like every five minutes.  I'm not even exaggerating.  After I took him (and of course had to drag Jace along) to the bathroom 5 times in twenty minutes, I had had enough. 

So I tried to encourage him to just PEE IN THE POOL.  I know that is terrible.  But really, who hasn't peed in the pool once or twice in their life?  But the boys always can go the bathroom easily when they're swimming at Granny's in the grass so they've never peed in the pool.  Cameron had to go again and we had just gotten back from the bathroom.  So when he announced to me loudly that he had to go, I leaned down and whispered discreetly, "Just pee in the pool, Cam."

But another thing my boys can't do, as well as just pee in the pool like a normal boy, is be discreet.  "I can't pee in the pool, MOM!" he shouted out, with emphasis on the MOM, like even he was judging me for suggesting such a horrible thing.  

We quickly moved away from the group of people we were by to another part of the pool, and I tried it again.  And finally, finally I talked him in to doing it.  I know.  Terrible. 

But, even though I said, "Just be causual, Cam," because of course he should know what that is, he stood there, legs apart, look of concentration on his face, slightly bent forward and frozen.  It was obvious what he was about to do.  And we were surrounded by people.  So I quickly grabbed him by the arms and we moved away from that group of people.  Then as I was dragging him in the water I said, or actually more like hissed, "JUST PEE NOW." 

And he finally just let it loose.  And when he started to loudly announce it, I jumped in before he could get any words out.  

By the end of the our swim time there he was a pro at peeing the pool.  And each time he did it he would raise his eyebrows at me, finally catching on that it was just our little secret.

  He peed in the pool like at least ten other times while we were there.
I don't feel bad about it at all. 

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