Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Little Olivia Rose is three months!  Well she will be three months in a couple of days.  But since I took most, if not all, of these pictures before the ones from Easter which I will be putting up next, I wanted these pictures up first.

Awww, sweet little baby.  So pretty.  And she loves her tongue.  She sticks it out in most of the pictures I take of her.  In fact I just glanced over to where she is playing in her bouncy seat and she is sticking it out right now.

She's not much of a tummy time fan when she's awake.  When she's asleep its a different story.  She will nap for two good solid hours if she's on her tummy.  But when she's on her back every little noise sends her arms flailing and she wakes herself up.  And since pretty much its nonstop noisy here if I want her to take a good nap I have to let her sleep on her stomach.  Which then means I have to check on her like every five minutes.  You know, because of paranoia and also because doctors freak you out about letting them sleep on their stomachs.  Fortunately for bed time she sleeps good on her back because its nice and quiet.

She's getting to be quite the chatty, smiley little girl when she's in a good mood.  When she's not in a good mood you better watch out.  But more often than not she's in a good mood. 

The last two weeks of this third month have been a little difficult.  Well a lot difficult.  We're back from Texas where the weather was warm and sunny and springy to where its cold and rainy and windy and not so springy.  I just want the weather to be warm. You know how when you're in a cold air conditioned building in the summer and then you go outside to the warm sun and it feels so good?  That's all I want to feel when I step outside.  Yesterday was deceptive.  The sun was finally shining nice and bright and inside I was freezing.  So I though maybe, just maybe, I'll step outside and the warmth will feel so good. . . but no-- it was windy and only like forty degrees.  Please hurry up and get here spring.  

The boys have been really wild.  Like crazy bouncing of the walls wild.  And Cameron was sick and the doctor put him on steroids to get rid of a cough.  Next time I'll have to remember to mention to the doctor, "Um, he is like a mini-Hulk when he's on steroids.  Is there anything else we can try?"  His rage has been pretty unpredictable.  I think if he was a little bit bigger there would be holes punched in his bedroom door from me locking him in there when there's nothing else I can think to do with him and he won't get off my leg crying and whining and screaming at me.  

I live for those moments when the boys play nicely together and are happy.  Like this morning they had one and Olivia was napping.  But I had to waste that peaceful time talking on the phone with dentists and insurance companies and hospital bill people.  Lame. 

Last week I put a new cheap shower curtain down taped to the floor and let them draw a city for their cars and trains. 

They played pretty good with it for awhile.  Until Cameron's "roid" rage kicked in and he started throwing all the cars and trucks around, which made Jace bawl and scream.

The little girl and I were hiding in the kitchen where she watched me do dishes from her bouncy seat.  So happy and so drooly.  Sometimes I make her talk to the boys in a high-trying-to-sound-like-a-ghetto-person voice.  And I wave her hand back and forth.  They think it's pretty funny.  When I did it for Brice, he did not.  I'm glad little kids can make you think you're funny.

So we survived a third month with three little kiddos.  Luckily the good moments have by far outweighed the bad.  And I'm glad that little Livvy is so teeny for her age.  It makes me feel like she's growing up just a little bit slower and I can hang on to those precious infant moments for a little bit longer.  Maybe it's because she's my first girl or maybe because I'm not sure if she's our last or not, but each time I put away a piece of clothing that doesn't fit her anymore I feel extra sad inside.  Or possibly it could be the crazy hormones that as women we are so blessed to have?  Who knows.  

1 comment:

Tyrell Berner said...

I love her pictures at the top of the blog! She really is the sweetest little thing even if she looks like Cameron and Brice :)