Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Happy Easter!

We had a great Easter.  And even though the day started out gloomy and doomy it brightened up by the time church was over for an Easter egg hunt after a delicious Easter dinner.  We managed to get all ready in time for me to take pictures before church even.  Not that the boys were going to be cooperative.  But they gave it their best shot.  And I tried not to threaten them with scary consequences for not taking good pictures.  I feel as though perhaps if I keep doing that they will grow to resent me every time they see the camera.  I like the bribing route instead.  

So here are some Jace out takes.

And finally the best shot of that crazy four year old I could get.  Sometimes I worry for his kindergarten teacher.  She will have her hands full.  

Some Cameron out takes.  I had Jace standing to the side trying to get him to smile.  He likes to stick his tongue out still.  Like Olivia.  She is turning into a mini-Cameron.

I took Olivia's pictures actually earlier last week.  When it was sunny outside so I could get some good light in the house.  Maybe it will never warm up enough to take her outside.  I took a lot more pictures of her than I did of the boys.  Because sometimes when I'm bored and don't want to do my jobs at home I just take pictures.  And the boys don't let me take pictures of them.  But little Livvy has no choice.  Muahaha.

She started off a little concerned.

But then she turned into my little model.  Oh what a sweet baby girl.

I wanted to get a picture of her little piggy's because see how she can spread them out?  That's not even as far as they can go.   I can do that, too.  So even though she'll look just like Cameron and Brice and maybe not like me. . . she still has my toes.  So there.

 And this one is my favorite of the hundred or so that I took.

And then we have the handsome brothers picture.

And one of the three of them.  Jace is getting better about his disgust for her hair.  But he still wouldn't smile.  Also he can't quite figure out how to hold her and he kept leaning waaaay back and making the blanket behind them fall down.  Oh Jace. 

Then after church and dinner it was egg hunting time.

They also had an egg hunt Saturday at the church but I didn't get any pictures of it.  Let's just say I had a little bit of a meltdown that morning.  And I'll leave it at that.

The day wouldn't have been complete without a little bit of Cameron "roid" rage.  Yesterday was his last day of the medicine.  I hope he gets back to his normal whiny self soon.

So now Easter is over.  And where are you warm weather?

1 comment:

Celeste said...

Love the picture of all of you guys! And Olivia's dress is so cute!