Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Christmas cookies for Santa

We waited until Christmas Eve to decorate cookies this year.  Mostly because I just didn't have everything together enough to do it till then.  But it worked out perfectly to do it at Granny's.  I just brought over all the stuff and we cleaned it up there and we were done!  Yay! 

So I did so much baking goodies this year for Christmas.  Brice joked that I probably baked more in those two weeks leading up to Christmas than I have ever done in my entire life.  He was probably right.  But I did really enjoy making Christmas treats.  We made 7 plates of goodies to leave with people when we went caroling on the Thursday before Christmas but I took it upon myself to make those goodies and decorate those cookies.  The kids cookies were more along the likes of something Santa would want.  And of course we had pleasant weather all that week until the day we went out to deliver goodies.  And then it poured.  But we still had a fun time with our little family. We tried singing a churchy Christmas song at one house, but then we switched to jingle bells and that went a lot better.  Plus also I didn't almost break down and cry.   Goodness, I'm like this emotional nut case who loses it for the simplest reasons these days.

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