Thursday, October 4, 2012

My friend posted an article on her facebook, and normally I don't read articles that people post but I decided to read this one (mostly because my friend is an awesome woman and mom so I knew it had to be good).  

I am so glad that I read this.  In the back of my mind I always think about how I'm never in pictures because I'm always taking them, and also- let's be honest- I'd rather just avoid being in them.  But I know that years from now I'll look back and regret not capturing me in those moments with the kids.

So in an attempt to turn over a new leaf, after I read the article and stopped crying I got out the camera and set up the self timer. And the boys thought it was funny to see me race to get in the picture on time so they were very cooperative.

Also luckily I just happened to have gotten back from the doctor so I actually did my hair and make-up today.  Good timing.

After this pregnant belly and huge boob shot I wised up and used Cameron as a shield.

So here's to documenting that I'm around too!


Celeste said...

Great article and great post! Seriously, I use all those reasons and more for not being in pictures.

kim anderson said...

I'm crying and I haven't read the the pics!!