Monday, February 24, 2020

So behind, still in Texas

I am so far behind in adding to this blog.  I think the last time I was this far behind was when I was pregnant with Annalise.  So I would officially like to announce that. . . . I'm definitely not pregnant.  Just really really really behind, lol. 

So in an effort to get caught up and then maybe have more motivation to take more pictures of my kids and not just pics of other people, here are the rest of our pictures in Texas from my big camera.  We went to several parks, and we went on a hike that seemed like forever long and like we were all gonna die, but then turned out not to be too bad :)  And Seve also had so many cool projects for the kids to do.  They made slime and dissected owl pellets (ew) and other fun stuff!

We had a cornhole tournament, wherein Randall and I were victorious!!

And we didn't all melt to death. 

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