Monday, February 24, 2020


What am I going to do without my little helper and sidekick in August when Annalise starts kindergarten?  And how is she old enough to be going to kindergarten?!  She is going to preschool three days a week now, on Tuesday and Thursday all day, and on Wednesday just in the morning.  She loves school, and it has really helped her come out of her little shell.  She's such a quiet shy little thing sometimes.  She also has started speech, thankfully.  She really needs to work on her annunciating.  It's hard because since she's the baby, we all have just babied her forever.  And ever.  And we still do.  Sometimes the boys still talk to her with a baby voice, and I have to say, "talk like a grown up to her!"  because for the longest time she would just talk in a baby voice.  

So anyway, she is working on that!  And I'm working on soaking up Monday and Friday that I have with her allllll day.  We play and we watch TV together and we drive each other crazy. 

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