Monday, September 24, 2018

Sea turds (sea cucumber?)

All week long the kids kept finding all these sea cucumbers,  I think they're called.  We called them sea turds because they were gross and looked like turds all over the ocean floor.  They were squishy and if you stepped on them. . . yuck. One day they filled three buckets full of the gross things.  I finally made them let them go, because I didn't want to deal with three buckets full of dead sea turds.  Not sure how long they can survive out of the water, but better to just let those things go.  They were writhing around in the buckets like slow moving snakes.  SO GROSS.

Then they went to release them and they dumped one bucket basically right on top of this random guy.  He was not very happy about it, haha!

Here's the random guy they dumped them on.  He jumped up pretty quick and yelled and then stomped back to his chair, muttering stuff probably about these hooligan kids whose parents didn't bother to watch them. 

But I was watching them.  And taking pictures of their activities.  And of you, random grumpy guy.

1 comment:

The Sandall's said...

Hahahah. I LOVE the release picture. That guy. I mean seriously. A bunch of kids. Not the best place to plop Bwahahha. Also, I see some sea snot as well. GROSS Keanzie!