Monday, August 13, 2018

Tetherball champions

Can you believe Brice didn't know how to really play tetherball till this day?  Of course after he figured it out, he and Troy had to take over the game for a little while.  Jace was pretty annoyed about it.  But he got to play, too.  And then once Brice and Troy had their fill, some new cousins came the next day and Jace had plenty of time for getting the hang of tetherball.  I totally remember playing this game during elementary recess and there was this one girl named Miriam, and she was like the queen of tetherball.  And I was like the fraidy-cat of tetherball.  

When they had to do a sudden freeze of the game because Lyla wandered into the path of the ball.  Luckily they stopped pounding the ball before they sailed it right into her head. 

Also checking out the turkeys was always fun, too. 

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