Monday, April 17, 2017

Stubborn girl

This stubborn girl still hates eating most food.  It's so exhausting trying to make sure she eats healthy things.  Or anything at all, on some days.  I mean, don't get me wrong.  She would eat chips all day long if I let her.

The other day I tried to get her to eat a tiny piece of a strawberry.  I figured that she once she got it in her mouth and started chewing, she would realize that it's actually quite delicious.  But she kept gagging and gagging on it, and I get forcing it back in her mouth.  And she finally puked a little bit.  And then I gave up.  I mean, what little kid doesn't want to eat a strawberry?  Oh you stubborn, stubborn girl. 

Hopefully that means one day she'll be a very good leader.  And stick to her guns about good moral things.  And maybe one day she'll like to eat strawberries. 

1 comment:

Celeste said...

I have so been in the battle of eating. It really is exhausting. Thank goodness for multi vitamins. By the way, I'm glad at least the two of us still blog. :)