Sunday, February 19, 2017

Funny face

This funny face deserves its own post.  Little Annalise is growing up so quickly.  It's so adorable, but also needs to SLOW down.  She talks quite a bit, I think, and she mimics pretty much anything you tell her.  She doesn't get it quite right, but she tries.  She loves playing outside and she loves putting on shoes.  The other day I left to go to a meeting or something and when I left her with daddy she was shoeless.  When I got back, all the kids were outside playing with Brice.  Annalise was wearing her church shoes, so I asked Brice why he put those on her.

He said he thought I had put them on her.  I hadn't.  So apparently she found them and put them on herself, and then went up to Brice and asked to go outside.  She is so funny.

She loves the iPad.  She loves playing with her sister's toys.  And the boy's toys.  She loves slides.  She loves dogs.  There was a dog playing with it's owner at the park a few nights ago, and she cried every time it went away from where she was.  Luckily Brice was there with us, so he followed her around as she chased after the dog.  She says, "okay" after I tell her things.  "Let's get a diaper."  "Kay."  "Let's find your shoes."  "Kay."

She's so cute.  We love her soooooo much.  

Oh and she likes walking out to the van all by herself.  And she wants to get in the van by herself, too, and when I try and do it for her, she throws a huge fit.  She's a great fit thrower.  I think she's trying to grow up too fast because she knows she's my last little baby.  Stay little, sweet baby!

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