Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Wave running

Today we have been lazy lazy lazy.  Monday and yesterday we played with friends and went walking after we took the boys to school, so today I am reveling in the still-in-our-pjs-and-probably-pretty-stinky kind of life.  Livvy has been watching TV and playing with toys and Annalise is taking a really long morning nap.  

I mean she's probably pretty tired from the past two nights of NOT sleeping.

And I have a ton of pictures of Jace and Cam (though mostly Jace) playing in the waves.  And so to spice things up I did a little dramatic editing.

I think they look pretty cool.

This first one is of Cameron, and the rest are all Jace.  I actually had to force Cam to go stand in the water for me to take this pic.  He had just been knocked out by a pretty fierce wave so he was not happy about me making him go back in the water.  But I had just come down with my camera so I HAD to force him back in, right?   Memories don't come easy, people!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

these are beautiful! you are an artist!