Friday, April 24, 2015

Just because

It's quite possible that I was ecstatic that Easter was the same day as general conference.  Because then I didn't have to worry about dressing the kids all up for a fancy Easter church picture.  That was a definite win for this lazy mom.

However I did have this adorable Easter-ish dress hanging in the closet that Liv wore the week after Easter.  I don't know who gave it to her. . . but someone did and it's beautiful.  So she wore it the week after Easter.  And the boys wore the same old khakis with a button up shirt and tie.  With stains.  On everything.  Because they can't function without writing on their clothes.


kim anderson said...

I think I got that dress for her... Just sayin I got pretty good taste:-))). And the little cover up sweater is perfect with it!

Celeste said...

My boys are always covered in grass stains. She looks so cute!