This year at the King reunion in Idaho both the boys were at a great age for Cherry Creek camping. And although I was a little queasy and easily drained, I suprised myself by having a great time as well.
Cherry Creek is a dreamland for little boys. It has everything you could possibly think of for camping fun.
Lots of rocks for throwing into the creek.
A bridge for endless hours of crossing entertainment.
Mountains to climb.
And the creek is perfect for wading and splashing in. Although it is freezing. I remember when I was little thinking that the creek was always super deep and rushed crazy fast, but really not so much. It was perfect for the boys to play in.
Camers is a barefoot boy. He always preferred to have his shoes off.
These buckets provided lots of entertainment too. And also lots of messes.
This is actually a "clean" picture of Jace. For most of the three days of camping he was covered in dirt from head to toe.
Because he made things like "soup"
And then would dump it out right onto his legs. Nice.
There is also nothing quite like Cherry Creek dirt. It's perfect for dumping into your brother's hair.
And for pouring all over yourself.
Here Jace is with a shovel full of dirt and my cousin's cute little girl, Kelsey. How badly do you think Jace wanted to dump that in her hair?
He stood eyeing her for about three minutes with me sending him my most dangerous looks. Finally I couldn't stand the tension and took his shovel away.
Here is Camers with his "flirty shy" smile.
And flirty side way glances at the pretty girls who tried to get him to smile at them.
Some of that is dirt and some of that is cake. Who knows which is which. Jace certainly didn't care.
Cam was not a big fan of the sticky marshmallow on him.
Also on our trip he decided to enter a huge fit throwing phase. He would fling himself to the ground and writhe around like a worm, screaming. Even in the rocks and dirt.
Here I set him off because I wouldn't let him climb up with the hill with Jace and Uncle Randall.
So finally I told him to go for it.
Which resulted in this cry of defeat.